Products Catalogue

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Storage Supplies

We offer a large number of products that have been loved by everyone for a long time. We are providing a function to solve your minor storage problems and we are promoting development with a focus on high quality to support your life.

Miscellaneous Goods

Our products were developed from the customer’s point of view to solve their small daily problems. We have a lineup of durable and long-lasting products that utilize the technological capabilities we have cultivated so far.


We offer a large number of products that have been loved by everyone for a long time. We are providing a function to solve your minor storage problems and we are promoting development with a focus on high quality to support your life.

Storage Supplies

We offer a large number of products that have been loved by everyone for a long time. We are providing a function to solve your minor storage problems and we are promoting development with a focus on high quality to support your life.


Miscellaneous Goods

Our products were developed from the customer’s point of view to solve their small daily problems. We have a lineup of durable and long-lasting products that utilize the technological capabilities we have cultivated so far.


Many people have a strong image of storage when it comes to Tenma, but we also handle products other than storage. While maintaining the strict quality standards that we have cultivated so far, we will continue to develop so that we can add more color to our lives while listening to the problems of our customers’ lives.

International Standart for Quality Management Systems


We are an international standart for quality management systems, "ISO9001:2015".

I am certified (Certification registration number 10046).

International Standart for Quality Management Systems


We are an international standart for quality management systems, "ISO9001:2015".

I am certified (Certification registration number 10046).

Japan Quality

Manufactured with Japanese standarts and quality.

Safe Plastic Material

Using safe polypropylene plastic material and without chemicals

Durable and Reliable

Product can be uses as a legacy and has been tested for durability.


Manufactured with various functions in mind to make it easier for users.

Japan Quality

Manufactured with Japanese standarts and quality.

Safe Plastic Material

Using safe polypropylene plastic material and without chemicals.

Durable and Reliable

Product can be uses as a legacy and has been tested for durability.


Manufactured with various functions in mind to make it easier for users.

Thousands of Happy Customers

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